Thursday, August 16, 2012

Meetings' Schedule

Welcome, welcome one and all! Today marks the first day of the Fall semester and let me just say what an awesome semester it will be!  The President and I have been working hard to get things solidified and to provide you with plenty of forewarning for our meetings, events, tables and get-togethers! (We wouldn't want you to miss something 'cause of work, now would we?)

Below is the schedule for all of this year's meetings! So call in sick to work, tell your instructor your car has a flat, or hey! you could just be honest and say you have an epic club meeting to go to! (After all, honesty is the best policy).  See you all there!
-Misty (The V.P.)

Meeting #1
Wed, Aug 22nd at 3:30pm in Room HSS-140
(Ironically, I won't be able to attend our first meeting because of work. Sad, I know.)

Meeting #2
Tues, Sept 11th at 2:30pm in Room HSS-140

Meeting #3
Wed, Sept 26th in Room HSS-140

Meeting #4
Tues, Oct 9th in Room HSS-140

Meeting #5
Wed, Oct 24th in Room HSS-140

Meeting #6
Tues, Nov 13th in Room HSS-140

Meeting #7
Wed, Nov 28th in Room HSS-140

Meeting #8
Tues, Dec 11th in Room HSS-140

Monday, August 6, 2012

Movie Night!

Our first movie night is upon us already, and we haven't even begun the semester yet! (go figure!)

We're doing things a bit differently this year: movies are decided upon by the board members by a majority vote, so if you want to suggest a movie, find a board member and put your powers of persuasion to the test!

That being said, the first movie will be: My Normal.

It's our first lesbian movie in a long time and I must admit that I had more than a heavy hand in deciding which movie we'd be watching.  (So if you hate it, you know where to find me).

Below is the trailer for our first movie of the semester! See you all there!

HSS 140 @7pm


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

A Call to Arms!

Good afternoon one and all!

This blog is designed with the club in mind, and even though it's only in the beginning phases I'd like to hear what you all have to say.  This is your blog, so it's time to start customizing it! If you have anything you'd like to see, any comments or suggestions you'd like to make, please do so!  So make comments on the pages/posts, suggest posts, tell me to create more pages (or less pages), etc. etc.  Whatever you'd like to see, I want to know about it!  

This blog is here so we can share our stories, share information, update each other on events.  Anything and everything goes here (so long as it's appropriate and doesn't reflect badly on us as a club lol).  

Reach me by my email (or facebook) if you have anything you want added or changed:  

Have a great rest of the summer! 


Friday, July 13, 2012

2012-2013 Board Members

President:  Benny Smith
Vice President:  Misty Major
Secretary:  Emma Corette
Ambassador:  Nancy Khzam
Treasurer:  Luis Guerrero (Ayden De La Rosa)
ICC Rep:  Clare Villasenor

(From left to right: Clare, Benny, Misty, Emma, Nancy, and Luis)  
We don't bite, I promise! Never hesitate to approach any of us for anything at all! We're here for YOU.

Come One, Come All!

And welcome to the new blog dedicated to the Moorpark College Spectrum!

The Moorpark College Spectrum is a club dedicated to creating a safe haven and community for the LGBT and ally community both at the college and in the surrounding communities.  While we're a social club at heart we're looking to expand into the world of activism through community projects and volunteer work; we hope to try and put our names, and ourselves, out there and just make a difference in the world around us one day at a time!

It should go without saying that we are nonjudgmental and accept anyone and everyone no matter their status, orientation, religion, gender, creed, race or any other feature that small-minded people fixate on to put people into the "other" category.  Be proud, be kind and be yourself!