Thursday, August 16, 2012

Meetings' Schedule

Welcome, welcome one and all! Today marks the first day of the Fall semester and let me just say what an awesome semester it will be!  The President and I have been working hard to get things solidified and to provide you with plenty of forewarning for our meetings, events, tables and get-togethers! (We wouldn't want you to miss something 'cause of work, now would we?)

Below is the schedule for all of this year's meetings! So call in sick to work, tell your instructor your car has a flat, or hey! you could just be honest and say you have an epic club meeting to go to! (After all, honesty is the best policy).  See you all there!
-Misty (The V.P.)

Meeting #1
Wed, Aug 22nd at 3:30pm in Room HSS-140
(Ironically, I won't be able to attend our first meeting because of work. Sad, I know.)

Meeting #2
Tues, Sept 11th at 2:30pm in Room HSS-140

Meeting #3
Wed, Sept 26th in Room HSS-140

Meeting #4
Tues, Oct 9th in Room HSS-140

Meeting #5
Wed, Oct 24th in Room HSS-140

Meeting #6
Tues, Nov 13th in Room HSS-140

Meeting #7
Wed, Nov 28th in Room HSS-140

Meeting #8
Tues, Dec 11th in Room HSS-140

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