Letters From the Board Members

Sure we run the club on paper, but we're all here to serve YOU! It's only fair you know a little bit about us and why we're here! 

Letter From the Board Members: Misty Major 

Hey gals and guys! 
My name is Misty Major and I’m the current Vice President of the club.  I’m 21 years old and I just recently moved back to Southern California after living in Arizona for nine months; I came back because I just couldn’t stay away from the SoCal sunshine and my return has brought me back to the club I know and love. I lost my mind about a year ago and decided to declare a double major: my areas of focus are British Literature and Linguistics.  (That being said, if any of you ever need help on a paper, I’m your gal).  I will be transferring in the near future, but in the mean time I’m here to make my mark- and I sincerely hope it will be a good one!

I ran for a board position because I want to help this club grow to be even better than it was before.  We all know that this club is a safe-haven for Moorpark students, but I think it’s high time we expand our borders and our goals and make ourselves felt as a presence in the community.  My pet-project this year is outreach, focusing on the high schools in Ventura County.  I’m proud to be a member of this club and honored to be in a position on the board.  My official duties as VP are to help the President in all his endeavors this semester: he speaks softly, I carry the big stick.  Aside from that, I’m here to help maintain and organize the club and spear-head new projects with the help of my fellow board members (and all our regular members too!).

I look forward to this coming semester with a great sense of pride and happiness!  I can’t wait to work with and for all of our members, new and old! 

Misty Major

Letter From the Board Members: Emma Corette

Hello everyone,
My name is Emma Corette. I am almost 21 years old and I am a student here at Moorpark College. My plans for the future are to finish up here at Moorpark College and transfer to Channel Islands to get my Bachelor’s Degree in Spanish. I love reading and playing games, video and board.
I am the Secretary of MC Spectrum and my job is to keep track of everything going on at our meetings and any other work that needs to be done to help the club function. I also have the pleasure of putting together our club newsletters.
My plans for this club are to keep it a safe and informative club by doing my best to keep the newsletters informative and interesting and the meetings open and safe for people in our community to attend.
I really like how open and nice the people in this club can be. They are welcoming and it is a great atmosphere to be in.
I look forward to seeing all of the returning members this semester and meeting new ones,
Emma Corette

Letter From the Board Members: Clare Villasenor

Hey all! 
My name is Clare Villasenor. I'm the new ICC representative. I'm on the board because I truly believe in the message that we (the Spectrum club) portray, and if I'm going to be part of any board, I'd rather be on a board with this group of people. :] Though I'm new to being a part of any club, let alone being in its board, I would still like to do my best and be a positive representative of our club. To not only observe the meetings, but also provide helpful input that will not only benefit our club, but also our entire college community. As you all can see, I'm not really big on talking about myself; if you want to know more about me, just message me and I'm open to any questions. 

Keep smiling,
Clare Villasenor

Letter From the Board Members: Benny Smith

Hello everyone! 
My name is Benny and I am the President of the Moorpark College Spectrum! I love making people happy and taking responsibility to make a strong and diligent difference in the community. I am entering my second year as a club officer and it has been such a delightful experience to work with such an amazing and vital student organization at Moorpark College and I am excited to continue and develop my passion for the 2012 to 2013 year. Through this club, I have had the pleasure to meet so many people and make so many friends of different orientations and gender identities and have been made aware of how many allies and how much support exists on campus and in the Ventura County area. It has been such a pleasure to have blossomed into a student leader in the last few years that I've been involved. As President, I've had the great chance to be strongly involved in the LGBTQQIAA community in the area, have relations with college faculty and other student clubs on campus and be an active participant in college events such as Multicultural Day and acting as a guest speaker (along with other club members) in psychology and sociology classes. The executive board this year has been working very hard these past few months, even during the summer, to plan and make great and memorable events, which include activities during meetings, tables and movie nights. We have also been setting up our first fundraising project, selling bracelets and wristbands which will be used for new club supplies and possibly a club dance! We are now in our 6th year and there is so much to offer for those of you who are new to this club or interested in being involved and there will also be new and surprising endeavors for those of you returning, including our new club website! This club is a safe space and you are always welcome and I will always be there for you if you ever need anything, as will the other officers and active club members. I look forward to all events to come, with love, friendship, dignity and passion! 

Letter From the Board Members: Luis Guerrero

Hi everyone, 
I am Luis Guerrero, I'm 19 years old and currently don't have a major. I love everything from Medicine to Art. I just haven't figured out the right thing for me; for now I am just currently doing my iGETC (general education) and I am currently am working as a Care Manager at an Assisted Living facility. I am on the board because I want to be a part of something. I chose to be Treasurer because I want to expand my knowledge in regards to business. 

Letter From the Board Members: Nancy Khzam

My name is Nancy Khzam and I will be going into my second year here at Moorpark College. I recently moved back to California after living in Lebanon for three years. Living abroad, especially in a third world country, really taught me a lot; while I was there I discovered my true passion for activism and more importantly my experiences have taught me to appreciate all the benefits we have here in the U.S. While in Lebanon I was an integral part of the underground LGBTQ movement that focuses on empowerment, awareness, and above all support. I joined the Moorpark College Spectrum because I feel like my experiences in Lebanon could be beneficial to this club, its members, and its goals.  My locus this semester is to broaden our membership and introduce new and sympathetic ideas to the club’s existing vision.  As Ambassador my focus is on strengthening our involvement with other organizations on campus as well as organizations in the community.  My other focus is on creating a middle-ground between what the club wants and its obligations to the community at large.  I’m looking forward to getting to know and eventually being able to work with everyone in the club to achieve our goals. Feel free to contact me with any suggestions or ideas that you may have or simply to introduce yourself.    

Nancy Khzam

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